Understand your body’s rhythms and learn to dance with them to UNLOCK YOUR pathway to FERTILITY and RADIANCE

Here’s how it is:

You don’t need another magic trick to fix your body. What you need is a deeper understanding of the natural flows of your body so you can balance them according to YOUR needs and YOUR reality. 

When you speak your body’s language, you don’t fall for the trendy wellness traps that promise you the world yet do nothing for you.

When you are familiar with your cycles and flows, you can feel exactly what the level of support you are craving is, and how to give it to yourself.

Fertility rhythm alignment course Unlock your natural potential-Suriya

As a woman of childbearing age, you are often given advice that goes against your functions and values. Whether it is a drastic medical procedure you’re not comfortable with, or a herbal mix that has zero effect on you, you’re often left with more questions than answers. 

That is because the way to your best radiance and optimal fertility is not in the hands of someone else. 

Your fertility is in your hands – in the depth of the wisdom of your womb. In the intuitive call of your cycle. In the silent cries of your hormones. 

But you’ve never learned how your body truly functions. You’ve never been given the tools to speak your body’s language. 

In Nurturing Life’s Rhythm: Hormonal Balance and Fertility, we guide you back to yourself AND give you the information you need to navigate the best practices to enhance your fertility. 

We show you how to reconnect with yourself in a deeper way and how to use your lifestyle as your best tool to balance your hormones.

Nurturing Life's Rhythm

Hormonal Balance & Fertility

Are you seeking to understand your fertility, menstrual cycle, and hormonal transitions more deeply? Are you longing to bring more balance and harmony into your life's natural rhythms through your own practices and lifestyle changes?

Our comprehensive online course is designed for women who are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and holistic wellness. Whether you're hoping to conceive, navigating transitions in life, or simply seeking greater hormonal balance, this course is for you.

Here's what you can expect from "Nurturing Life's Rhythm":

Embark on a fertility journey Learn to dance with your body's rhythms

Education on Fertility and Menstrual Cycles

Gain a deeper understanding of your body's natural rhythms, fertility signs, and menstrual cycle phases. Learn how to track and interpret your cycle with confidence and awareness.

Fertility rhythm alignment course Unlock your natural potential-Suriya

Yogic Approach to Menstruation

Explore the ancient wisdom of yoga and how it can support and honor your menstrual cycle. Discover empowering practices to cultivate a deeper connection with your body and your cycle.

Dance to conceive Mastering fertility through rhythm course

Hormonal Balance and Challenges

Dive into the complexities of hormonal imbalances and learn holistic approaches to support hormonal health. Explore common challenges such as irregular cycles, PMS, and menopausal symptoms.

Radiant fertility Dance with your body's rhythms course Suriya-Yoga

Holistic Nutritional Approach

Discover the power of nutrition in promoting hormonal balance and fertility. Learn about nourishing foods, supplements, and lifestyle practices to support your overall well-being.

Unleash your fertility power Harnessing body rhythms for conception

EFT Techniques

Explore the transformative practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to release emotional blocks and support your hormonal health. Harness the power of tapping to cultivate emotional resilience and vitality.

Fertility rhythm mastery course

Meditations and Ceremonies

Immerse yourself in guided meditations and ceremonial practices to deepen your connection with your body, your cycle, and your fertility journey. Cultivate a sense of sacredness and reverence for your cyclical nature.

And much more!

Join us on this enriching and empowering journey as we embrace the wisdom of our bodies and nurture life's beautiful rhythms. Whether you're dreaming of conception, navigating life transitions, or simply seeking greater hormonal harmony, this course will support you every step of the way. Enroll now and begin your transformative journey towards hormonal balance, fertility, and holistic well-being!

What we believe in:

Women supporting women

As sisters in body and soul, we want to see you empowered and lifted beyond the conditioning that tells you you are a broken machine that needs fixing. And we believe that the more women are feeling good in their bodies and health, the better the world is. 

Natural and holistic

We want to honor the way your body is naturally made to flow instead of forcing it to be something it is not. We want to respect the ways earth is providing us with incredible healing resources rather than depleting it of its richness for our own “benefits”. This is why we encourage practices that value both your body and the earth.
The natural remedies offered in this course are sustainable and follow the guidelines of holistic herbalism. Most of the practices we share are meant to guide you back to yourself and your body’s healthiest flow. We are not wanting to force any practice or idea on you that would outsource you from your own resources.


Sounds pretty simple, right? We believe that women who are desiring to bring forth life through their womb should be allowed to, no matter how the circumstances of life have changed. And we believe that they should be able to do so in their own terms, in respect of their bodies and boundaries.

This course is for you if:

This course is not for you if:

About Your Hosts

Suriya Nitschke

My Studies Cover Natural And Traditional Healing, Including Homeopathy, Iridology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Remedies, Shiatsu, Process-Oriented Psychology, And Reflexology. This Expertise Enriches My Practice, Especially In Nurturing Relationships, For Both Men And Women.

Audrey Gerber

Audrey Gerber

Audrey is an integrative health coach and herbalist for women’s health. Using somatic and holistic tools to balance hormones and ditch the chaos of unwanted symptoms, her mission is to help women unlock their full radiance at any moment of their cycle. 


Alexa, USA

I first had a consultation with Suriya in 2015, after struggling for most of my life with digestive issues and -- what I later learned -- what was emotional suppression. I had been practicing yoga for years, but this was my first experience with a personal therapeutic yoga program. After receiving the program and learning the techniques, I practiced it 3-4 times per week. I liked having a specific practice that I knew was tailored to my health issues and I also knew that it was important to stick with it because these shifts would take time. After 2 months I noticed a lot of suppressed anger coming up, and also more relaxation in my abdomen and pelvic floor. Suriya made some shifts to the program at that point and I continued for 2 more months consistently. I experienced a substantial release of tension and heightened awareness in my body. As I've continued since then with yoga therapy, I've barely had heartburn (something I suffered from often for two decades previously). I am more aware of how emotional states affect my body. I think the biggest thing I've received from working with the program is learning to trust my own body, to listen to what it's saying, and to know that just because some doctors say there is no reason or solution for certain chronic health issues doesn't mean they can't be helped through something like yoga therapy

Rachel, Canada

I received tools to take care of myself as a woman. The fact that I was validated in what I was going through immediately gave me relief and helped me enter into a process of understanding my feminine cycles. I had the feeling of understanding myself better and of being more aligned with who I was! I feel more serene and I have stronger self-esteem. The fact that I felt sincerely respected and that Audrey had a real interest in my personal growth helped me to start feeling the same way about my own self. Her contagious enthusiasm made me feel supported, encouraged, understood, and heard.

Fertility Course

Milena, USA

Suriya has a very warm and welcoming attitude, making it easy to speak openly about my difficulties. She has a great amount of knowledge of various techniques and healing modalities that she uses for assessing each client. She prepared a therapeutic yoga program that worked for me in combination with intuition and deep insight. The effects appeared quite quickly and in my case were quite strong and Suriya was able to provide me with support and guidance. I value her as a person, her talents, dedication, and enthusiasm in sharing her gifts through supporting others in their healing.

Alice, Canada

If you feel like you've tried everything to fix your period, you have to go to Audrey. She will change your life. After working with her, not only will you know so much more about your cycle, but you will know so much about your body overall. Every person's body is so different and Audrey has a great understanding of it all.

Giving birth

Susanne, USA

It gave me a flexible and healthy body, strengthened my concentration, my joy for life, nourished my soul, and gave my life meaning and support.

Sahra, USA

Audrey helped me take a hold of my feminine energy and to better understand my body and my hormones.

Fertility and Radiance Course

Here's what you get;

Only for a limited amount of time

US$149 US$99

Questions and Answers

Forever! We actually recommend that you return to the modules over time. You will find out keys and golden nuggets that you may have missed previously. The deeper you go into the course, the more you will find resources that will greatly impact you. You don’t have to worry about the time frame! Give it however much time you are able to give it, and trust that there will still be important takeaways whenever you come back to it. 

The results of this course will have more impact on you if you are not using the pill, as the effects of the birth control prevent your hormones from fully going around their natural cycle. However, even on the pill, many of the exercises and information in the course may create a huge difference. Whether you are hoping to quit the pill later on, or would rather stay on it for a while longer, you will find resources in there that will change your health and wellness for the better. Plus, the benefits of understanding your body and its mechanisms will follow you for the rest of your life, whether you’re on the pill or not.  

Each module contains resources; some in video form, some in audio, others in text form. We believe that you can give your body however much time you are able to. If what you can do is only give 5 minutes everyday, you will still see changes over time. Some of the exercises are shorter than 15 minutes, while some more educational modules can last up to 50 minutes. What matters is not how much time you are able to put on it, but how consistent you can be with it. Come back to it every week or every day, but come back to it. Since you have lifetime access to it, you can always return to certain modules, or take more time to finish one. 

That depends on you! Most of the modules can be done from your home with no extra support or equipment. We do not talk about supplements as this could fill an entire course on its own, but we do share some plants and natural remedies that can be used. You most likely have access to most of them easily, but if you want to get the ones you do not yet have, you will still pay well under 50$ for it. None of them are mandatory. 


In full transparency, we are not business oriented women. We are coaches. What we love to do is to create sustainable change and to see powerful transformation within our clients’ lives. That’s why we created this course. This is a result of our own experiences and paths, and years of practice, seeing what gave the best results and what didn’t quite work. 

Yet we also know that the best way for our clients to get the results they are really craving is through support and daring to leave their comfort zone. By charging this price and setting the course this way, we are encouraging commitment and full participation of the client. We show up at our fullest, and expect our clients to do the same. 

Because of this, the results of the course are entirely dependent on the efforts and participation of the client. She is responsible for her overall health and actions, and takes ownership of her personal needs and reality. This is not a replacement for medical or professional advice, and any doubts and hesitations should be discussed with one’s medical provider.

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